Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Miss Ataxia: What a day

Well I'm back from a fun-filled couple of days. Sunday helped the boy move, never thought someone could have more books than my entire family put together. He's still getting used to the new place. Don't blame him it's very different to what he's used to. What I mean by that is quiet, has his own space (literally his own), and he can relax and not worry that people are going to ask him to do random things around the house. So yeah that was Sunday.

Monday I worked. Explains everything.

And today I drove my brother to work, got the oil changed, went to blockbuster, helped with dinner, realized that Weed has a cold (which is funny because she keeps sneezing), and than I spent the past couple of hours with the boy trying to help him relax because he's getting stressed out about work and bills. So today was a fun filled event.

How was your day?


Johnny Rumble said...

Got up at 6 AM, went to class, slept in the car, went to another class, drank some hot apple cider, bought milk, cleaned house, and responded to a few people.

Now I get to take out the garbage. Woo.

Tomorrow, Six Gallons get critqued in Creative Writing in front of the Dean of the English Department. Hehehehe.

Now I need to decide what to write for my next go around. More to Johnny's Folly (and possibly finish that fucker up), a new peice all about hot, flamboyant, homosexual Battle Tank battles, or a packet of poetry. Hmmm...

Johnny Rumble

BNSH said...

Johnny's Folly! You need to finish that thing up! And Six Gallons is going to get some interesting reviews.

Johnny Rumble said...

Johnny's Folly it is.

I will have something to say about the critques today. More than likely...