Monday, September 29, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Weed's Day

It's her birthday. She is not happy. Her nose is not fixed. Oh well. The boy is going to come over and spend the evening with me and my family. Hopefully he will enjoy himself.

I don't need you think process it. I don't need you to get back to me. The fact that you read it is enough. I want nothing from you, except the possibility of a friendship. But I think that you've already made it very clear that that will more than likely not happen. So I will not hold it against you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Thank you

Weed's birthday is tomorrow. 18 freaking years she's been creating hell on earth and I hope she'll be around for another 18.

Johnny, Thank you for what you wrote. You may not read this, ever. But I want you to know that you did mean a lot to me for the time that we were together. You helped me through a lot. Like my dog passing. You may not have realized it but that was hard for me and you helped. Thank you. Thanks for helping me get out of my shell. I may not be as extroverted as you but now at least I don't care what people think about me when I go places. You've given me a backbone. I know that we may never be close again but please know that I do still care about you. I may not be in love with you, but I do love you. You were one of my best friends for that time. One day I hope that I will be able to talk to you like we used to.

You were always forgiven.

Miss Ataxia: Still not set

Weed can not have her nose set until Monday. It looks horrible. And I feel sorry for her. Monday is her 18th birthday and she's going to spend the morning in pain at the doctor's office as he fixes her face. Poor her.

After New Year's apparently I am going to go down to NC with the boy on vacation. I was slightly shocked at the fact that he asked me to go with him. But of course I would say yes. Simply because I get to meet Rory and Darren.

The company that I work with sucks. Why you would schedule me to work 1:30 -10. Is beyond me, especially seeing as how they just hired a bunch of new people. Ridiculous.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mis Ataxia: The Weed broke her nose

Weed broke her nose again last night. She went to the ER and everything. It looks really bad. They didn't set it. So hopefully she can get it set tomorrow at her appointment. She can't even breath through that side of her nose. She's miserable.

Sunday was awesome.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Miss Ataxia: SUNDAY!!!

The boy is hoping to move by the first of October. Not to that guy Mark's house but to a different lady's house. She's cheaper, he gets a better room, and it's closer to work than the other house.

He's was thinking about going to Mark's house. Problem? It was going to be $500 a month, than at the beginning of the new year he was going to raise it to 6. The house is in disrepair and it's very far from where he works. To the point that he would have to get up at five in the morning in order to make it to work on time. Now this new house, from what I'm told I haven't seen it yet, is very nice. It's over where he's staying now, $300 a month cash at the beginning of the month. Big room plenty of shelve space, fully furnished with a huge desk. Smoking is allowed only outside. He doesn't have a problem with that. The one thing that I am concerned about is that he has no house privileges. He'll have to buy a mini fridge and since it's a "family home" there is no way that we can have any. But he'll be able to save money so that he can go down to NC. I'm still trying to figure out a way so that I can convince my mum to let me go with him.

So on Sunday I will be at Busch Gardens. Sarah's brother has managed to get us free tickets. The Boy, Justin (this boy that she knows and likes), her and I are going to be spending the entire day there just for Hallowscream. It's this special thing for Halloween. The only time where you can dress up like something, scare people and get free candy. I'm excited. I haven't really hung out with sarah and the boy at the same time. Only once and that was the day that I hung out with him for the first time. I needed her there because I thought I was going to ruin the whole thing.

But yeah. Target has Domo everywhere. I have him on the back of my car. I'll have to take a picture and show.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Miss Ataxia: The boy might have found a place

Haven't posted in awhile. And I know that no one really reads this but oh, well.

The boy found a new place to stay, luckily we know the guy that he's going to be staying with. AND he since he knows that the boy and I are close he said that I could move in too. If I wanted too. He just doesn't know what we are. He asked the boy just what we are "I don't care, just what are you?" He didn't say anything. Apparently the room is pretty nice, which means that all the stuff that he has in storage he's going to pull out and bring over to the house.

The guy's name is Mark. Mark had stated that I can stay the night whenever I want and that I don't have to ask to come over either. Downfall? The boy has to help with half the yard. Yard size? 10 acres. 10 freaking acres!!!! Apparently the house is pretty old, I don't know what it looks like. I don't know what the yard looks like. I don't know exactly where the house is. Luckily he really doesn't have to be out of the house till November 1st.

Sarah is leaving next month. Her last day at work is the 11th, her birthday is the 12th, and than she leaves the 13th.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Marriage, Genetics, And Breast Cancer

Well I've talked to my aunt and she confirms it. He needs to talk to dad alone and ask for his permission to marry me. "Than the one knee thing" lol. I don't think that my parents are ready for it quite yet. But I know that this is what both Him and I want. Mum's going to freak.

Mum had a genetics appointment today. Ended up nearly bruising her hand in order to get any blood out. Genetics appointment, you ask? Well about two years ago she ended all her chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer. About that time as well she found out that it could be genetic. That some people are more at risk than others because of a specific gene, BRCA2. After she found that out she talked to my aunt. The same one that I confided in. She found out that my aunt had gotten checked out because of my mum and found out that she had precancerous cells. Now my mum is all worried. I kind of am too. I know that there are ways to cut down your risks, but there are certain people in my family that aren't taking precautions. And I don't want to have to go through that again. Sitting there with my mum while she was getting her chemo done was a great bonding experience don't get me wrong. But it hurt watching her sit there while they prodded her with needles and injected her with all those chemicals. And now with all the side effects? I don't want to go through that. And I sure as hell don't want either of my sister's or my little cousins to go through that. So yes. All of you femmes out there that read this. Take precautions and get yourself checked out. And if it turns out that you have it. Know that I am here, as well as the rest of my family. Be careful.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Miss Ataxia: He wants to marry me

Still not fired, got new plates for the van, and was pretty much proposed to.

Thats right he says he wants to be more than serious. He wants to marry me and that he's loved me for awhile now and didn't know how I would feel about it. So he asked me how I would feel if we took it a step further and got married. Just the idea of it makes me smile. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. It's just my mother and the technicalities of everything that worry me at the moment. I know that he's having a little financial trouble, thats why he's thinking about going down to NC and staying with Rory, who's practically family. He wants to know if I would go with him. He said that I wouldn't have to worry about insurance or anything that he would take care of it and that I didn't need a car because I could simply take him to work and pick him back up again. What really surprises me about the whole thing is that he kissed me. And he really hasn't been able to stop.

He's had a problem with kissing from an ex and so he was against it. But yesterday I took him and I to go and see Tropic Thunder and out of no where in his truck he leans over and kisses me. Of course I'm going to kiss back. Can't help it, I really like kissing him too.

He wants to talk to my parents about the whole thing. To ask for their blessing. I know that he needs to talk to my da alone first that way da can talk to my mum about it than we can all get together and discuss it.

I'm scared that she'll be against it. She was against me going down there last time he thought he was going to. And I mean dead set against it. Her view on it was if I don't have a degree in something than I can't move out of the house. Unfortunately at the moment I need out of the house. Not want, but need. I can't stay here with all the crap thats going on. I can't. It's stressing me out to the point that I just want to pack not tell them where I am going and just leave. But I can't. I can't just leave weed and the others. They're blood, there for we're connected.

Oh and I've lost weight. I don't know how. I haven't really worked out. I guess it's because I simply can't eat much food anymore. Like today I've eaten a whole two times.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Worried about the boy

Well I didn't get fired still.

Turns out the boy really likes me, but I'm worried. His Aunt's boyfriend wants him out by the 1st of November. He really doesn't have anyplace to go other than NC and I don't think he really wants to go down there anymore. I'd have him move in here with me but there simply is no way that he and I can coexist like we do with the rest of my family here. Simply not going to happen.

I don't know what to do.