Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Miss Ataxia: The Recruiter

We went to the recruiter yesterday. He just has to wait on some paperwork to figure out if he's going to be able to get back in or not. I hope he does. The recruiter kept looking at me as if it was wierd that I didn't ask any questions about the Army. I ended up telling him that I'm an AF brat and he just went "Oh, so you already know the life." and went on his way. It was pretty funny. But Jesse's nervous, told him he shouldn't be, I'm sure that he'll get back in and since he doesn't have to take the ASVAB again he should be able get far enough advanced to become an officer like he wants. I'm so proud of him.

Johnny still hasn't made any contact. I hope he's ok. Myspace says he's angry it makes me wonder.

Haven't heard from Shea in months. Still the first girl I fell in love with. Still in love with her.

Oh, jesse was fascinated by the fact that I would consider a threesome, lol. Boys and their fetishes.

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