Friday, April 18, 2008

Miss Ataxia: old and new

Well it's official. He's trying/is going back to the Army. But I'm not worried. I know that he'll go to the sandbox, but I know he'll come back. He's concerned that I won't like him wants he joins. He's concerned that if we're in this for the long run that I'll hate being with the military. He's concerned that I won't be able to handle the moving.

At this I laugh. I've told him that I'm a brat. The moving, the being apart, the lifestyle is all I know. It's wierd for me to live in one place for longer than 5 years. Or else I start to get antsy and trying to figure out whats going on.

I'm not scared, in fact I'm the complete opposite. I'm proud of him. He has a plan. He knows what the hell he wants out of life. I can't be the same way though. I wish I knew what I wanted out of life. Other than to be happy. And with him, finally, I'm happy.

With pretty much every person (I say person because if you know me than it's obvious) I wasn't happy. Matt- wasn't just with me (loyalty). Jake- always with the aggression and homophobia (anger managment anyone?? How about never being able to tell someone that you were into girls cause you were scared they might hit you?) S- uncommitted. Zack- pot smoking, too old, ex NAVY, dirty old man (wrong wrong wrong). Kerrington- too young at heart for someone in the AF. Johnny- Needs to grow up. I still love him. I always will, but I'm just not in love with him anymore. When you go over and spend more than a few days with someone you start to realize their faults. Not having a plan for your life other than getting married is not condusive to any relations ship. Jesse- makes me laugh, has plan, not afraid of talking about off the wall topics, as graceful as I am, loves to just lay in bed and cuddle. I think I might have found him.

My plan for 2008.....
Get a new phone (LG enV), school and work, horde my money like crazy so I can get a place of my own. The last one I need more than anything.

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