Thursday, April 24, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Fight

Whats happened this week? Ah yes.....

As I was picking the others up from school I decided to do a bit of sketching. Mind you when I mean sketching it is used very lightly. As I was sketching I had placed some money on the seat for my cousin to buy a ticket. He opened the door, said the word "shottie" tossed in his backpack, and shut the door. I don't know what "shottie" means so I ignored him. Turns out it meant shotgun. Whatever. So Weed comes walking up and taps on my window. We start talking so she moves his backpack to the back and sits up front to talk to me. He came back and got pissy. Not once did he ask her to move so he could have his seat back. He whined to my mom.

Turns out he's got some anger issues. He started telling her that he wanted to leave. I told him that if he has asked than she would have moved. Turns out he didn't like that fact that me and weed are so close. I told him that if he started treating us like family instead of simply people he's living with than he'd get more respect. He looked me straight in the eye and said "we aren't family anymore". Thats fine I don't like him anyways. But what got me was after the arguement. I was upstairs playing the XBOX360 and he comes up and says I love you. WTFever. I just nod and uh huh. I can't say it to someone I don't love. And obviously.

Side note, jesse found one of his documents. He goes to the recruiter after work to see what needs to be done now. He'll come by and let me know what going on. I hope it's good news.

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