Monday, October 27, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Gushing

Well today proved interesting. I woke up this morning from my brother yelling at my other sister telling her that mum needed her downstairs. Seeing as how I was up I decided to go ahead and go down to see what the problem was. The problem? The pantry had water gushing out of it. Carpet ended up being soaked. Turns out the pipes behind the pantry that connected to everything up stairs split, right down the middle lengthwise. So I had to try and help with that before going to work with Thor's medication on my pants. He's had gotten a little worse so we took him to the vet to get more meds. The monster got really bad today, he slept most of the day, and when he wasn't sleeping he was spitting medication onto my work pants. Long day. Hope yours was better.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Miss Ataxia: His Day

Thor got back from the pound yesterday after being "clip and chipped", thus far he has peed on my mother's bed and on the floor countless times. And still he doesn't know his name.

Today is the boy's birthday. 27 years old I'm going to heckle him about being old for the next few days just to make sure that it really sinks in. He seemed surprised when my family made him dinner and got him presents like we did. The last time that he really celebrated his birthday was when he was a kid and the last time that he did both his parents got arrested. So simply put, he doesn't think much of his birthday. What did he get? For dinner he got homemade lasagna, salad, and french bread. With my homemade banana bread for dessert. All of which he wanted. For gifts, an electric kettle so he can finally eat at his house, a robe (so he doesn't make his housemates jealous or scare the crap out of them from the pastyness). And 100 bucks in cash, to go towards what he wants. Whether it be tags for his truck, his storage shed, bills, mini fridge, or something totally random that he simply has a desire to have. It's his. He needed a day like this. I don't think that he really expected us to do anything for him. I honestly don't. Seeing the smile on his face nearly made me cry though. I don't get to see him smile like that. And when he read what my parents card said, "from mom and dad", he looked almost shocked. He's one of the kids now, I don't think he was ever going to expect that to happen.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Miss Ataxia: new baby

Well I've gotten a Gamestop application. I just need to fill it out and take out there. Oh, we have another dog.

A few days ago my father took Weed out to the Virginia Beach SPCA and they found a dog. Pitbull terrier mix named diesel so they put some holding papers on him so that no one could adopt him until Buddy met him. As they were doing the papers a lady came in and wrote a $1000 check for the next five adoptions. She comes in pretty often from what they were told. She looked at my dad and asked if he was adopting one. He told her what was going on. About how we came in last year and rescued Buddy and that we wanted to get him someone that he can hang out with. She wrote a check to my dad. Anyways, Diesel didn't turn out to be a good idea. Too hyper and made Buddy uncomfortable. So they found Shep (yes we are going to change his name) and they meshed perfectly. He was going to come home on Thursday after his snip and chip. But than they called and said that he could have his surgery today. Turns out not because he has a upper respiratory infection and that he wouldn't be able to get it till Monday. So Weed, my dad, and I went out there to visit him. As we were visiting with him one of the techs came over and asked if we would like to foster him till his surgery. That he would get better quicker at home. So needless to say, "Shep" is here. German Shepard Terrier Mix. Tiny little thing, like 13 weeks old. Adorable.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Yay for the folly

I put a bid on a phone. LG EnV on ebay. I'm giddy with excitment. I need this new phone. It's said when you're texting and your phone skips four spaces ahead.

YAY! It's about time you put some work into Johnny's Folly. Been putting it off it's about time that you got started on it again. And about the critiques, it's good to know what other people think. Even if you don't agree with them. Let me know how it goes.

I've decided that I'm going to look for a new job. Thinking borders or gamestop. Someplace where I could handle the people that came in. And gave me decent hours.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Miss Ataxia: What a day

Well I'm back from a fun-filled couple of days. Sunday helped the boy move, never thought someone could have more books than my entire family put together. He's still getting used to the new place. Don't blame him it's very different to what he's used to. What I mean by that is quiet, has his own space (literally his own), and he can relax and not worry that people are going to ask him to do random things around the house. So yeah that was Sunday.

Monday I worked. Explains everything.

And today I drove my brother to work, got the oil changed, went to blockbuster, helped with dinner, realized that Weed has a cold (which is funny because she keeps sneezing), and than I spent the past couple of hours with the boy trying to help him relax because he's getting stressed out about work and bills. So today was a fun filled event.

How was your day?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Miss Ataxia: The Puffball Enigma

She can't breath through one side of her nose. I think that would signify that it's important to fix.

Nice, one would think that was a Freudian slip.

So today we found something in the back yard. More like my dad found something and than made me do research on it to see what the hell it really is. What did we find? Puffball mushrooms. They were the size of freaking grapefruits half buried in the dirt. Not poisonous, in fact if you eat the bad ones all you get is gastrointestinal discomfort. They can range in sizes from 1" to 12". They have even been confused as sheep! They get that big. So you know what we're going to do? Leave them and see how big they can get. We're such an odd family.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Annoyed

The way you treated me, past tense. And for the girl.... something tells me that she's noticed you. And isn't ready to make a move yet. But if you do meet a girl, you can't stop writing. I won't let you.

So tell me how does a Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor refuse to fix a broken nose? It's still bothering me. She went in the other week and told her that he couldn't fix it because "It's not broken". Bullshit look at the poor girl! It's not straight! "Sorry it's not bruised." Um, you don't know my sister. I have beat the pulp out of her to the point that her body is inclined to heal fast. Especially from bruises. So please, someone tell me why a doctor who specializes in noses refuses to fix one. You know what he told her? "If you were a marine you could fix it." Jerk obviously it's broken if you said that shit so just fix the damn thing.

Doctors are morons.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Truce?

She didn't get her nose fixed. Reason? The doc said that it had already started to heal. Lame.

I suppose that it would have bothered me a little. I'm sorry that I didn't give you that opportunity. I am. But you have to think about it from my side as well. How am I supposed to react with the way that you have been treating me. I'm sorry that I was a bitch to you. I really am. But anyways, truce?

Now..... to find you a girl. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Miss Ataxia: I'm sorry

I know that you were trying to be nice. But I'm over it. You were a jerk to me and I know that I'm over that but I also know that it could go that way yet again. I know that I want to be friends with you but I know it's not possible. There are simply things that I can not talk to you about. Either because you simply won't want to hear them or because you won't agree or accept them. I'm sorry that I treat you badly. I don't mean to. I'm sorry that I flip between whether or not I can handle even talking to you. But I am willing to try. Whatever you wanted to say simply say it. I can handle what you say because I know that you aren't going to be rude or mean on purpose. I know that you aren't a horrible person. I'm going through somethings at the moment and I don't mean to take it out on you.

I'm sorry.