Thursday, August 28, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Rant Time

I know that it seems alittle annoying that I talk about the people in my life like they're something more than what they seem to be.

I spent the past couple of hours with the boy and as he was getting ready to walk me out to my car like the great guy that he is, he said that he had a good time with me. Even though he was on the net talking to people and I was watching TV, he said that it meant more to be in a relationship than just wanting to have sex with someone. And that he really likes just being around me even though we never really do anything. Aw factor to the maximum.

I'm trying to save money to be able to go to FanimeCon this upcoming year. And it's all change, it sucks. I'm going to have to save enough for a plane ticket, hotel costs, food, reg, and lets not forget to mention some spending money cause I'm crazy about this stuff. Hopefully I can figure a way to be able to go this year seeing as how I missed it last year. It was going to be my fourth year running, now I'm behind.

I still have to reg for NekoCon.

I feel like breaking something. Even though I'm in a decent mood, I still want to cause some type of mayhem. I've been in a weird mood lately, I'm just ugh.

Sarah is joining in October. I'm going to miss her dearly. She's going to be leaving civilian life.

The cousin is bothering the hell out of me. I want him gone. No, not want NEED him gone. It's like this giant stressor in my life. He doesn't do jack shit around the house and I'm stuck not only doing his laundry but picking up after him cause he's lazy as hell and driving his lazy ass to work where he slams the van door and doesn't even thank me for the ride that I really don't have to give him. Not to mention that he's a complete ass hole, he has a picture of him smoking pot on his myspace, he glares at my sis when she's simply in the mood, he's a homophobe (if only he knew that I wasn't straight), he makes fun of people who don't deserve it, he spends all his money on cigs and junk instead of giving some of it to my mum to pay for HIS health insurance and all his costs, he's spoiled, and he still can't make up his mind on whether or not he wants to stay. He wants to stay for a girl, thats the reason that he got in the mess in the first place. And last but not least, he has the worst laugh in the history of humanity. It's annoying and fake and I don't like it one bit.

Obviously I don't like him.

Rant done.

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