Sunday, June 29, 2008


Ugh. I've recently become aware that anyone without a uterus is a lucky bastard. Anyways.

Jess and I are still friends taking a break while he tries to work through all this stuff. Tim has messaged me, yes it's shocking. Well his friend Tommy is a looker so obviously it's good. Tim needs a new job, the same goes for everyone else that works in our hell hole. Sarah and I are looking so that we can get out of the places we're living in at the moment. We're both going crazy. Without new jobs it'll never happen.

So she's going to go to school next semester and I am as well. I don't know what classes she's going to take but I'm hoping to get the cosmotology stuff done and taken care of. With that out of the way I can get a job using that and still work towards my library science degree. But who knows if I'll get that done before I go to bartending school. I have a wierd plan I know. But it's a plan nonetheless. Well I'm out. Keep sane.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Well as of a few days ago we are going to be just friends until he has everything sorted out. If you don't know what's going on let me give you a recap. His ex-fiance is driving crazy and it literally made him sick. So now that that is semi taken care of he's got to deal with his commitment issues. And he's working through them now. Than he can date me. But here's the big news!!! He has decided that he wants to be a man of the cloth, non-denominational. I'm really proud of him. He's actually going to start going to church again. I met his pastor and he's actually a really nice guy. So nice that I might even consider going to to church with him on a regular basis. I say a regular basis because I'm going on Sunday, I just don't know how often I'll go afterwards.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Long night at the ER

Well I went over to his house yesterday before work. He wasn't feeling all that great. So we just chilled and I blended my first oils! But than it turned bad. He ended up going to the ER, we didn't get out of there till a little after 2:30. Which sucked cause we were both tired to the point that I would have slept in the car. If only my phone hadn't died while we were there otherwise I would have. He's doing better. Dehydrated to the point he really should just have a drip all day, but atleast he looks better. Not to mention he's in a better mood. He needs rest. Lots of it.

We met a girl at Heritage that I feel like we were supposed to meet. She helped him with a few things and me as well. She came from my coast even though she's from this hell hole. It was important for us to meet her.

Anyways, I'm going to go and lay down. Even though I know no one reads this.