Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Breaking Down

I got in a fight with my mum. Over what? Joey. How he's a jerk and isn't pulling his weight around the house. She said that I need to cut him some slack because he doesn't know how to really be a person. To treat him the same way I treat Nate. Nate's autistic, yes, but that doesn't mean he can't do shit around the house. Doesn't mean that I don't treat him like every other person in the world. She wants me to treat the jerk nicely? Take care of your damn dishes, pick up after yourself, don't throw a bitch fit when you don't get your fucking way. Grow up.

I want him out of the house. Nate, Weed, and Hillary do too. He stresses me out. And it's hard to for me to deal. The Boy is going through some things and Sarah is gone. I really have no one.

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