Thursday, July 31, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Can you move on?

I don't know why you still have a tendency to get on my bad side. Why do you have to be such a jerk? I moved on with my life and I'm trying to be civil. Why can't you do the same? I still have feelings for you, I always will. But I want you to stop being such an ass to me and move on and be happy. Date that girl you like. Seriously, if you like her than go do things with her. I'm sure she would enjoy it even if she doesn't like movie theatres.

But saying that I wouldn't do something just shows you that maybe you didn't know me as well as you think you did. And I'm guessing that you really didn't. I was never apathetic, I just valued your opinion and didn't want to get into a disagreement with you.

1 comment:

Johnny Rumble said...

I've already done and moved on. Moved on quite a while ago.

And if you read the commment word by word, I never said you WON'T do it, I just have hard time beliving you would. Just like I'd have a hard time beliving my friend Kyle would give up on womanizing.

I gave my opinion. And if I need my to explain my stance on religion, you wern't listening to my tirades about it.

I don't know why I have a tendancy to get YOUR bad side. That's not MY fault. I've always been this way.