Thursday, July 31, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Can you move on?

I don't know why you still have a tendency to get on my bad side. Why do you have to be such a jerk? I moved on with my life and I'm trying to be civil. Why can't you do the same? I still have feelings for you, I always will. But I want you to stop being such an ass to me and move on and be happy. Date that girl you like. Seriously, if you like her than go do things with her. I'm sure she would enjoy it even if she doesn't like movie theatres.

But saying that I wouldn't do something just shows you that maybe you didn't know me as well as you think you did. And I'm guessing that you really didn't. I was never apathetic, I just valued your opinion and didn't want to get into a disagreement with you.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Why?

You think that I won't get baptized? Why? I like who I am here. I'm different than the way I was back on the west coast. I'm happy. Can't you be happy for me? Can't you realize that if I'm a better person now what I must have felt like when I was there?

You should do things with that girl. You really should.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Baptism

Well he got baptized!!! And we found out that the Pastor that started the church is leaving to start another in Vegas. So prayers are with him. He is going to start out being a pastor to middle schoolers. I'm so proud of him.

I'm thinking that next time there's a baptismal I'm going to get baptized!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Miss Ataxia: How many jerks are there to ruin a birthday?

Well my birthday went off without a problem. Other than people who I thought would wish me well didn't even act like I was still alive. Jerks, all of them. Today is my little brother's birthday. YAY he's nineteen. Looking back I remember all the things that we never thought he would do. He's come so far with his autism. Reading, Eating all the different foods, holding down a decent job, and graduating high school with honors.

HE gets baptized tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Miss Ataxia

Well another year older which means another year here in the good old state of VA. Oh well. Not much is happening around here either. Still going to church with the Jesse boy, he still wants to be a pastor. He even requested some info from one of the bible colleges so he can get everything started. I'm so proud of him.

Happy Birthday to me.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Miss Ataxia: Going to church?

Well I went to church with him on sunday. And I actually liked it. I mean I really, really liked it. Like OMFG I liked it. Than we went to a bible study cookout thing that night. It was decent. But all and all it was a rather decent time. I can't wait till I can go again. He can't go to church next week cause of work, but he wants to go to bible study, so I'll try and go with him.